Stephen Curry

One of the NBA’s biggest rising stars, and MVP candidate for this season is Stephen Curry..  Personally, I think he has a lot of potential to start a sweat shop store considering his crazy hand skills.

Speaking of sweatshops, 36% of China’s population live on less than $2 a day.  This forces 85% of the poor living in rural areas to move to urban cities and work in sweatshops.  Anothing thing that makes China a subject to talk about is it’s government, communism.  Nobody really likes communism because it makes the people sad, depressed and live in bad conditions while the powerful chill in the background and put on a fake smile to the rest of the world.  Some may argue that all of this hate comes from the early 1900’s in Russia.

Russia has going down really fast and a group of revolutionaries took advantage of it.  They made the country communist and did bad things like killing people and throwing people who opposed them into work camps.  While Russia was under communist control, they also went to a war everybody knows about, WW2.  In this war they fought a country named Germany that had a lot of schnitzels.

By the way, schnitzels are a traditional German dish composed of pork, flour, salt,  lightly beaten eggs, and plain breadcrumbs. Most German natives say the best combination with this dish is a potato salad.  

Wait.. what was that? Did I hear potato?  Yes, potatoes are the best food combination for any meal of the day you are eating.  Whether you’re in America. Canada Finland, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Holland, Russia, China, Mongolia, Japan, or Australia, potatoes will always be your number 1 choice of food. Shout out to all my potatoes